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Law Practice Development Blog

Contacts vs. Clients: Just How Important Is Your Follow

Posted by Janice Winchester | Jul 31, 2013 | 0 Comments

Client Intake Process.  This is your lifeline.  Consider for a moment how much money it took just to get that client to call you.  It took even more to get that client in for an appointment, considering your time, your staff's time, your ad cost, web cost, even the cost of the stamp.

I believe in the whole client experience and customer service.  I've often referred to thinking of your lobby's as your “living room” for clients. Make the potential feel comfortable- take down the barriers. They've been humiliated and probably haven't slept in days. They might be having marital or employment issues. Make your office a safe landing. Offer comforts of refreshments, a friendly, nurturing staff. I believe in the living room concept. Your lobby is your living room. Use your lobby to educate your potential clients, sell you, treat them as if they are in your living room. At home, you have your pictures of your family on your end tables, walls- it tells a story. Your awards, your training, your published articles, videos tell a story, too. Your story. Use your lobby and office to plant your seeds.

One of the most common weaknesses of many offices is the follow up with the potential client. When the intake is over, if the potential client wants time to think things through and doesn't hire you, what do you do next? Most attorneys wait to hear from the potential client. A letter is generally generated two of three days later and depending on your "snail mail" procedure; that is just an opportunity that is lost. If you're not following up with your potential clients, you're handing them to your competition.

That's right. Follow up is that important.

1.  Follow up says you care and that they're business means too much to let some other attorney handle their case.

2.  It addresses any further needs or questions.

3.  It gives you a chance to clear up any miscommunications.

How many times have you said one thing to someone and they heard something different?  You're speaking to someone whose heart is racing, probably consumed with fear and worry and comprehending about every third word.  Following up with your potential client gives you another chance to earn their trust. There should be a procedure in place to follow up with all contacts that didn't not hire at interview (be it in person or phone interview) within the first 24 hours.  All intakes should be called the same day.

The internet has changed it for everyone.  We're in an instant information age.  Our best possible clients are carrying blackberries, IPhones, Smartphones and Tablets. I promise you, they're shopping.  Don't be the attorney they wished they'd hired.

Let's face it- we sell an intangible product- HOPE.  You can't see it, can't pick it up and look at it.  We have to make our clients “feel” it.  There's an old saying and I believe it. "People will forget what you say, what you do but they never forget the way you make them feel". Know them by their first name, use it. Dale Carnegie 101, the sweetest sound to a person is the sound of their own name. Know it and use it. Make them feel there is no need shop any longer.

About the Author

Janice Winchester

As a well-known and respected advisor in the legal industry, I am exceptionally proficient in sales & marketing, training, business processes, team building, and cost containment, and I leave no stone unturned when analyzing an organization and establishing a plan for overall development. Working hard to drive businesses ahead with my unique blend of business savvy and creativity, I deliver lasting solutions.


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Janice Ferguson Winchester is known throughout the country for helping lawyers improve their business.

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